Releasing The Hold Shame Has On Your Life - Part 4
So far in the series, you’ve discovered more about what shame is and how it can impact our lives. In this final blog of the four-week series, I am going to explore how powerful compassion can be in healing shame and share a simple but powerful strategy to help you be more compassionate.
So far in the series, you’ve discovered more about what shame is and how it can impact our lives. In this final blog of the four-week series, I am going to explore how powerful compassion can be in healing shame and share a simple but powerful strategy to help you be more compassionate.
How Can Compassion Heal Shame?
Throughout this blog series, we’ve been on a journey of understanding shame and how it can hold you back from healing your grief, getting relief, and moving towards a life of fulfillment and joy. We’ve talked about the effect of shame on our self-care, on the limiting beliefs that make us feel we are ’not good enough’, and we looked at what shame actually is and how we can move through it, to a place of self-compassion. Once you understand what shame is, you can learn how to care for yourself and begin to treat yourself with the compassion you deserve. Compassion can help you heal your shame. Let’s take a closer look at compassion.
What is compassion?
You may find that treating yourself kindly from a place of love doesn’t come naturally to you and you may wonder why you find it so challenging to be self-compassionate. The trauma we’ve suffered is so commonly the cause of our inability to be compassionate in general, and especially with ourselves.
Well, it’s time to change that.
Every one of us has the wisdom and ability to be self-compassionate. It’s a resource we need to help us accept painful emotions, so that we can heal from our trauma and find inner peace. The greater our pain and suffering, the more we need compassion.
It is a key element in the process of removing your fears and feelings of shame once and for all. Being compassionate means to love, to be kind to and to accept someone or yourself. It is a blessing on your journey to healing and creating a happy, joyous and free life. In my Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past group program, we focus on creating and developing compassion for ourselves and integrating tools to support you every step of the way. It’s important to be kind and caring with yourself as you celebrate your own progress and to also be compassionate, kind and caring with others as well.
Self-compassion heals shame. But, what is it? Being self-compassionate means to love, be kind, and to accept yourself. It’s important on your healing journey to begin to be kind and caring with yourself and to celebrate your progress.
Sure, you may find having self-compassion difficult. You may find that you have a hard time just being nice to yourself. And, usually, we find that the reason we feel this way is a direct result of the trauma we’ve suffered.
One foot in front of the other will help you get started practicing self-compassion, and in doing this, you’ll affect a region of the brain that makes you more sympathetic to another person’s mental and emotional state. You will begin feeling compassion for others – and yourself. Really, it’s true! See when we experience or provide kindness, support, encouragement, and compassion, neurons get reconnected in the brain. In the same way, not experiencing these feelings as a child can leave you feeling unlovable – eventually allowing shame to get stuck in our neural pathways.
With new experiences and practicing compassion and self-compassion, we can begin to grow new neurons and connections in the brain. In other words, you can override that shame memory with goodness you experience today. You can change your life!
Being able to relate with another who has experienced childhood trauma is an important tool for healing. Simply relating and feeling for another is a huge step on this journey. Practicing self-compassion means you will get the strength and empathy that will allow you to connect with others and even reach out for help. In my Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past 12-week group program, I work with trauma survivors who struggle with moving forward. Together, we are able to move past the trauma and into a phase of healing.
Here’s a simple truth: You’ve got to start being nice to yourself. Yes, you have been through something horrific. And, yes, it is going to take some time to get over it and that cannot be done until we are ready to feel real emotions...when we’ve made that peaceful connection between what our bodies feel and what our mind tells us. But, guess what? Everyone has been through something. Maybe not like your experience. But every step in life, every hurt, every pain, and every trauma can leave a mark. The better we are at being able to connect with ourselves, the better we are at being able to connect with others, the better chance we will have at healing.
So, give yourself permission to be kind to yourself. When you notice yourself being unkind or critical of yourself, stop and take notice. Then, repeat what you said, turning it from a negative to a positive, reframing what you tell yourself. For example, if you are frustrated with yourself for not getting the help you need, you can tell yourself, “I’m in the process of getting myself the help I need to move forward”.
The trauma of your past is never going to go away. And, trying to simply forget about it is not going to help you with it at all. However, you can heal and move forward. Practice self-compassion in regard to your trauma.
Being kind to yourself and speaking kind words is very healing – even if you are saying them to yourself. In my Stop Suffering Now Program and Make Peace With Your Past we focus on self-care and begin your journey towards your fulfilling and joyful life.
The benefits of compassion
When you bring compassion to all of life, you’ll be enlightened by a shift in your thinking and wellbeing. You’ll step into a powerful emotion, as the energy of the feeling of compassion creates a beautiful two-way interaction. In other words, you begin to feel togetherness, rather than feelings of separation or isolation.
Being compassionate with yourself will bring harmony to the relationships you have with yourself and with others. What’s beautiful about compassion is that you can choose to start feeling it right away. But how?
How can we call upon compassion and use it to heal shame?
Here is a simple three-step exercise I often use with my clients to help them move through shame.
Think of a shaming experience. It could be from childhood or adulthood. Focus on that feeling. Now think about what you wish someone had said to you immediately after the event occurred. Who was that person? What was it you wanted and needed to hear? Write it down.
Now choose a person that you admire. It can be a friend, family member or even someone you’ve never even met. Picture them in your mind, telling you the words you needed to hear. So, for example, in step 1 you chose your mother and she wasn’t supportive or didn’t believe you. In this step, you would replace your mother with your ideal person - let’s say, Oprah. In this step, you are imagining Oprah saying the words you wish your mother had said. You are feeling supported, respected and safe. Visualize the entire scene, just as you wished it had taken place. Hear their soothing voice and their comforting tone. Imagine how supportive and protective they are. If you are in a space where you can say the words aloud to yourself, say it out loud - if not, say it silently. Breathe into this vision and feel it all the way into your heart. How does it feel to hear these words you needed to hear?
In this step, again we’ll use the example above. I’d like you to consider the fact that your mother is NOT Oprah. Your mother has different limitations, capabilities, and a history of her own. I’d like you to try to get to a place where you can accept the possibility that your mother did the very best she could.
Practicing this exercise alone is a healing exercise. Crying during this exercise is common, as well as any other emotions that come up. I would love to hear about how you’ve experienced this exercise, and if you’re ready to take action in a supportive and non-judgmental space, I’d love to have a chat with you and see if my foundation program, Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past, is your next best step. In the program we spend 3 months focusing on what I believe you need to know NOW, today, to be able to really move yourself forward and to start seeing real and sustainable change. Consider it a journey toward recovery and relief and start working towards the life of your dreams, the life that you really want and the life you deserve. The journey takes you through the steps necessary from becoming aware to taking action. And in order to be able to take action, I’ve carefully designed the Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past program. In Module 1, Stop Suffering Now, we focus on what I believe you need to know NOW, so you can get out of the pain you are in, start feeling some relief and begin to move yourself forward towards real and sustainable change. We’re going to be talking about all things awareness…see how the trauma is affecting you in your real day-to-day life, explore the impact it’s having and use the strategies to CHANGE that impact. We’re going to be making REAL change right away. We’re going to be learning how to go about trusting yourself and your decision making...and this is really going to help you move through your life with confidence. We’ll begin to talk about setting solid boundaries which will help you with all the relationships you have in your life. The impact of trauma is such an under-addressed problem….it’s important to talk about what it feels like to live day in and out with the aftermath of trauma. There is a big missing link in our understanding of relationship dynamics and the challenges that millions of people have.
We’re really talking about FOUNDATIONAL things too…...working on shoring up your foundation so that you are operating from a place of STRENGTH. You’ll be armed with the tools you need to begin a real MINDSET shift….that’s going to prepare you to move to Module 2, which is making peace with your past, and this is so important to do. This will free you from the burden of holding on to all those negative emotions so that you can lighten your load and move freely towards a different future, one that is peaceful and fulfilling so you can have a happier life. In order to do this, you will need to experience that mindset shift because we are going to go deep on forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves AND of others. We’re also going to be delving into shame, empathy, compassion…...all of these emotions…...and, remember, not only are you getting the information you need and the tools, tips, and strategies, but you’re also getting the support and the safe space you need to be ABLE to PROCESS all of these intense emotions. You are not going to be doing this on your own as I’ll be with you every step of the way. One of the things that’s been holding you back is holding on to wanting to CHANGE the past. We’re going to get into this and you’ll learn strategies that will ALLOW you to deal with your past in a healthy way. We’re going to be looking at forgiveness as a potential possibility and exploring different ways that forgiveness can be a part of your healing and we’ll be releasing the negative energetic component of holding on to the negative emotions so that you can get unstuck, let go of the pain, learn to stay in the moment and enjoy your life.
Don’t let shame and grief hold you back from the life you want! Schedule a complimentary call with me, find out more about my Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past Program, and start taking the steps towards having the life you really want a free 30-Minute Healing Discovery Session call.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Releasing The Hold Shame Has On Your Life - Part 3
In week three of this four-week series, I share a bit about one of my personal traumatic experiences and give you insight into how shame shows up in our lives.
In week three of this four-week series, I share a bit about one of my personal traumatic experiences and give you insight into how shame shows up in our lives.
Exploring Shame: A Deeper Dive
In the first two blog posts in this series, we talked about the effect of shame on our self-care and on the limiting beliefs that make us feel we are “not good enough”. We also discussed how we should turn down the volume on our “shame gremlins”. But before we go any further, I’d like us to pause and focus on what shame actually is and how we can move through it, to a place of self-compassion.
What Is The Most Damaging Emotion?
Is it fear? How about pain? These two emotions are usually assumed to be the most damaging. However, the most damaging emotion can actually be shame. Shame can rip apart your self-image, destroy your sense of worth, and leave you feeling deeply flawed for many, many years.
Shame is a power emotion. And, unfortunately, it’s one that most of us love to bottle up. I know I used to. The deep feelings of shame that I used to feel and hold deep inside impacted my ability to interact with others for decades. As a child, it stunted my interaction with other children, it made me a fearful and painfully shy teenager and well into my adulthood, it destroyed my confidence. In many ways, it destroyed me.
It took many years for me to be able to share what happened to me. It was just too, too horrifying. I was too young to know how to express what happened or to know how to get the help I so desperately needed. So I held on to my devastating secret and tried to manage the oversized feelings on my own. Years of personal development and a burning desire to overcome the negativity propelled me to find a way through the grief, to be able to stop suffering, to find the relief and to begin to live a fulfilling life. I wanted to thrive. It was during this process that I was able to finally tell my authentic story.
This is the abbreviated version:
When I was 5-years old, several teenage boys tied me up and gagged me. They then proceeded to take turns raping me. Fearing that I would tell someone, one of the boys came back pressed a knife to my throat and held a BB gun to my chest, and he threatened to kill me if I told anyone. I was terrified. I didn’t know the difference between a BB gun or a regular gun. I was in so much pain and even though I was scared to die, part of me wanted to die. After promising that I would not tell anyone, he cut the ropes from around my wrists and freed me.
As a victim of childhood sexual abuse, I held a lot of shame around this horrific experience and I lived with feeling constant fear and concerns for my safety. I believed I was damaged and that nobody would ever be able to really love me. I feared for my life. Before I began thriving, I used to think about those shaming experiences of my childhood – and the pain was so real, it felt as if it was happening in the present moment. Holding on to my horrific secret was getting harder and harder. I was always afraid of being exposed. I never felt worthy. I spent my life trying to hide. I just wanted to be invisible - to disappear.
Do you still feel shameful feelings when you think about your trauma? Do you get that sinking feeling in your stomach when something reminds you of that experience? Do you suddenly feel small, inadequate or even “less than” others? Do you feel embarrassed and simply want to hide?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions - you’re not alone.
Shame from experiences we had in childhood can be triggered in our adult lives. The feelings stay with us, but are just neatly tucked away. Some of us are better at compartmentalizing than others. Then, one day, the picture-perfect life can come tumbling down with something as simple as a thought, a phrase, a song, a store, a smell, or a sound. Something that reminds you of those childhood experiences can appear in your life and in an instant it takes you back to that moment. And, yes, it brings with it the shame.
This can all happen so quickly and you are transported back in time – you feel as though it is happening right now, in this moment, rather than all those years ago.
Shame can… make you feel inferior to others, worthless and unlovable.
Shame can… manifest into self-loathing behavior.
Shame can… result in self-destructive behavior, such as cutting or hair pulling.
Shame can… lead to drug and/or substance abuse.
Shame can… end in suicide.
Shame can… leave you with feelings of self-criticism, self-blame, and self-neglect.
Shame can… cause you to repeat the cycle of abuse through victim behavior – or abusive behavior.
The shaming experiences you have been through can feel so overwhelming that it can actually define you – preventing you from reaching your full potential. Shame is that powerful. And those of us that were sexually abused in childhood tend to carry the most shame.
So, if you were abused in childhood you tend to carry the most shame. Why?
As humans we naturally want to believe we have control over what happens to us. Even though we experienced this trauma as a child, somehow we still believe we should have been able to protect ourselves. And, because we couldn’t, we feel helpless and powerless. Our powerlessness causes us to feel humiliated and that leads to feelings of shame. What a self-damaging cycle, right?!
Many of us who survived childhood abuse also live in a constant state of self-criticism and self-blame. We may even become overly sensitive to criticism from those around us and try to defend ourselves.
One’s self-criticism can have a pretty powerful inner voice. It can manifest by constantly asking ourselves, “Why me?”
I am very familiar with this voice, are you? You may find that voice constantly berates you for imagined or real mistakes. You may find that you set such high expectations for yourself that you can never be satisfied with any of your achievements. You may even find it difficult when someone compliments you or find it uncomfortable to accept expressions of love or kind comments from others.
For those of us that defend against shame, we are doing so in order to build a protective barrier around ourselves to ward off criticism from others. This can show up as you being critical of others in anticipation of their criticisms of you, refusing to talk about your shortcomings, turning the criticism around on another person, accusing others of lying or even exaggerating about the other person's complaints about you and projecting your shame on others.
Healing will come. But before you can overcome your childhood trauma, learn to provide yourself nurturing, kind, and encouraging words to override any negative chatter.
You can experience feelings of shame and grief while moving through your shame and grief. Shame can affect you for the rest of your life – or until you take the steps to begin the healing process. It can hold you back from a life you love. In my Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past group program, we focus on helping you to move through grief to a place of hope where you can feel excited for the future and learn to trust people (and yourself) once again. Get on my calendar to schedule your free 30-Minute Healing Discovery call. (To read the next and final blog in this series Click Here)
© 2019 Janine Naus
Releasing the Hold Shame Has on Your Life - Part 2
This week I will help you understand why you feel you’re not good enough and how to turn down the volume of shameful thoughts.
This week I’ll help you understand why you feel you’re not good enough and how to turn down the volume of shameful thoughts.
Why Do I Never Feel That' I’m Good Enough?
Welcome back to this blog dedicate to Shame, If you missed the first blog in the series, we talk about shame and the impact it has on self-care. Now that you understand the importance of putting yourself first and you’ve had some time to process any maybe even taken new steps towards your self-care practice, I want to cover a common challenge trauma survivors face - the feeling of never being good enough.
”I am never good enough.”
Sound familiar? Are these words that clutter your brain and diminish your power with self-doubt or uncertainty? This negative self-talk and the feeling associated makes you question whether you have what it takes to reach your life goals and desires. As trauma survivors, we’ve all been there.
We’ve all experienced intense feelings of inadequacy and diminished self worth. It can feel like a big wall stopping us from where we want to go.
We need to get to the bottom of this in order to help you move out of this negative space. We need to ask the WHY questions...Why are you not good enough? Or better worded, why do you think you’re not good enough?
Here’s a strategy I use with my clients when they are in this dark place. Think of what it is you believe you’re not good enough to do. Become aware of the specific words you are using to tell yourself you are not good enough. Identify what words that you use to hold yourself back from joy and fulfillment. I’d like you to give those words - those thoughts - a name. I call them “shame gremlins.” Now, picture this gremlin as a ridiculous and fictitious character in a movie you are watching. Hear this ridiculous and fictitious shame gremlin speak the words that hold you back. Words like “you’re not confident enough,” “remember what happened last time you tried this” and “I’m not that kind of person.” When you can see and hear how ridiculous and obvious this imaginary shame gremlin looks and sounds, as if you are watching a movie, it can really help to diffuse the moment. The next time one of your shame gremlins pop up, you can just see them for what they are - ridiculous and imagined annoyance. As a matter of fact, you can tell those ridiculous and fictitious gremlins that they are not being helpful. They aren’t useful, so you don’t need them showing up anymore.
Our shame gremlins remind us of childhood traumas, past failures and those limiting beliefs that we were once taught by those around us. But imagine what could happen for you when you quiet down your gremlins, turn down their volume and power ourselves up? That is the journey you need to embark on now.
When Do You Feel Not Good Enough?
This feeling and statement comes from your unconscious ego, which manifests from not feeling worthy. This feeling can come up when something good is happening, is about to happen, or may happen...or conversely, when something bad is happening, is about to happen, or may happen. Notice that it is tied to feelings of good and bad. This is about what you believe you deserve. You do not believe that you are worthy of being, having or doing something good, because you do not believe you are good enough.
How to Start Feeling Good Enough
Again, I’d like you to try a WHY exercise to help you in the moment. Ask yourself, is this really true? For example, let’s say your shame gremlin is telling you that you are the worst mom in the world. Ask yourself, am I really the worst mom in the world? If possible, if you are in a room by yourself, ask yourself this question out loud. By doing this it will help you see that it is not true. Invalidating these shame gremlins is really important in your process to stop them in their tracks. Maybe they are saying that you could never have a loving relationship. Is that true? Never? With all of the people on this planet, is it IMPOSSIBLE? No, in fact, you can take steps that will make it very probable. What would those steps look like? What could you get started on today? Do you see how asking yourself this question takes you down a different, and more hopeful path? Try using this simple and quick strategy to eradicate those false beliefs that you’re not good enough. This will also help you to let go of unhelpful, false thoughts that do not serve you.
The Power Our Thoughts Hold
Our thoughts hold our power. That power is evident when we choose to give power to positive or negative beliefs. The more we hold onto our thoughts, the truer they feel to us, because we become so accustomed to thinking these thoughts that they actually begin to feel real. It is just as easy to give our attention and focus to positive thoughts, and the same principle applies. The more you hold onto positive thoughts, the truer they’ll feel. That’s why I encourage you to use the strategies above to move from a negative thought to a more positive and hopeful thought. Keep doing that and soon these more positive thoughts will feel real to you. I also suggest that you practice witnessing your thoughts and choosing whether to believe them.
Next Time
Everyone, at some point, has not felt good enough. Remember you are not your thoughts. You can change your thoughts and your beliefs. Next time, we take a deeper dive into what shame is, what it can do to us and how we can heal from it. (Click Here to read next blog in this series)
Shame can hold you back from a life you love. In my Stop Suffering Now group program, we focus on helping you to move through grief to a place of hope where you can feel excited for the future and learn to trust people (and yourself) once again. Get on my calendar to schedule your free 30-Minute Healing Discovery call.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Releasing the Hold Shame Has on Your Life - Part 1
In week one of this four-week series, I’ll explain how shame can hold us back. I also share how putting yourself first can create a happier life, through the art of self-care.
In week one of this four-week series, I’ll explain how shame can hold us back. I also share how putting yourself first can create a happier life, through the art of self-care.
Thank you for joining me for this life changing blog series. I’m Janine Naus and I am a Grief and Trauma Relief Spiritual Life Coach supporting women in grief due to trauma so that they can stop suffering and be able to more easily navigate their healing process. In this series, we will be exploring shame and its effect on our lives. As a trauma survivor myself, feeling shame has played a huge role throughout my life. Unfortunately, shame is something we don’t often talk about which is one of the main reasons it festers and grows. That is why it is my mission and my passion to help others stop suffering and give you the tools and support to begin to move towards living a life of joy and peace.
Throughout this series, we’ll talk about what shame is, how it impacts our world and how we can use it to transform our lives. So let’s get started:
How Does Shame Impact Self-Care?
For survivors of trauma, shame is an all too familiar feeling. To move to a place where we can perform self-care, we must move away from shame and towards self-love. Regularly performed self-care is done by those that feel worthy and valuable. Therefore, self-care and self-worth is intricately connected.
What is Self-Care?
Self-care is exactly what it sounds like - taking care of yourself. This can and does mean different things to different people. I break down self-care into 2 categories, primary and secondary. Within primary would be basic hygiene and life maintenance. For example:
Washing your hair,
Brushing your teeth,
Getting restorative sleep,
Nourishing your body,
Incorporating fitness into your life,
Attending regular doctor visits, and
Keeping your home and belongings clean and in good repair, etc.
The secondary category would include things like: self-soothing rituals such as journaling or meditating, creating time for rest and reflection, taking time off for vacation, as well as other self-care activities like massages, manicures, reiki, etc. For so many survivors, self-care falls by the wayside because of how well you care for yourself is largely determined by your health and mental wellbeing. When stuck in the cycle of shame, our health and wellbeing suffer dramatically. Conversely, when you’re ready to stop suffering and start living a life of fulfillment, clarity, ease, gratitude and joy, you are inherently committing to self-care. If we are filled with shame, we don’t feel like taking care of ourselves, so how do we move out of this cycle?
How To Put Yourself First
“Put the oxygen mask on yourself first – then you can help others.” This is part of every flight attendant’s briefing for passengers before every flight and is such a great metaphor for self-care! As women it is our nature to take care of others, to be selfless, to give. Which means when it’s time to look out for ourselves, we all too often forget. In fact, it is absolutely necessary to learn to care for yourself when healing from trauma. We are all our own healers and until we take self-care seriously, we’re unable to take care of others.
The first step is in understanding that performing self-care will help us move through shame. It is essential to perform self-care, even if you don’t feel like it or don’t feel that you deserve it or it makes you feel ‘selfish’ when it comes to self-care. Remember that giving yourself time for self-care isn’t selfish - it’s an act of self-love. You are the only person that can be responsible for taking care of yourself.
When you are in your flow, you’re in your ‘now’ moment, which is your authentic self. This happens when you put yourself first, activating energies of self-love, self-appreciation and honoring yourself.
Know that is possible to move through and overcome your feelings of shame. There are 4 steps that will help you to move through shame and build your resilience:
Practice self-care
Understand what triggers feelings of shame for you
Develop positive strategies for processing and coping with triggers
Don’t allow shame to flourish by keeping secrets - share your story with a trusted person in a safe environment
The last point really resonates with me. Shame grows with secrets, silence and judgement. And the antidote is empathy. One strategy you can use to increase empathy is to treat yourself like you’d treat someone you love. Be conscious of how you treat yourself and make the positive switch in your everyday life.
What Happens Next?
Well, in the next blog in this series about shame, we’ll look at how shame can make us feel like we’re not good enough in life. See you there (click here to read the next blog in this series)!
Shame is just one of the topics covered in my Stop Suffering Now group program. If you’re ready to stop suffering now and start feeling relief, I invite you to a complimentary 30-minute call to see if Stop Suffering Now is the right next step for you. Click Here to Schedule Your Free 30-Minute Healing Discovery Call.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How Does PTSD Cause Physical Pain?
Did you know that at any given time, around 8 million people in the U.S. are suspected to have PTSD?
Here’s an introduction to what PTSD is, and how it impacts our physical well-being.
Did you know that at any given time, around 8 million people in the U.S. are suspected to have PTSD?
Believe it or not, there are people who have PTSD and don’t know it. They walk around dealing with the symptoms, not knowing that what they are experiencing is very real – and that there is help out there. With anything in life, educating yourself is important. And, I am glad you are here.
What is PTSD?
PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, occurs after an uncontrollable traumatic event in life. It is known as an anxiety disorder. When referring to childhood trauma, this experience causes instant changes to your system, leaving your body with an intense fear or feelings of danger. Initiating the fight or flight response, your body goes into protection mode in an attempt to save you from future harm.
But let’s move past all the technical tidbits and talk about some real PTSD, shall we?
In case you have not read my personal story of trauma, I experienced several instances of sexual abuse in my youth. When I was five years old, several teenage boys horrifically tied me up to rafters, then gagged, raped and heartlessly left me in a burning garage. At age 11, neighborhood kids brutally stripped me in a game they called 'Strip or Sing.' Then, when I was 13, a teenage boy chased, pinned down and raped me in the bathroom of my home when I caught him engaged in sexual acts with others. And, at 14, a high school custodial manager sexually abused me. Sadly, it didn’t end there.
Why am I sharing all of this with you?
I want you to think about my past trauma. Then, think about how I felt each time I was near a boy. Or, how about each time I was left alone near a boy. Think about the fear. The guilt. The anger.
How would you feel? How do you think you would react?
The responses that would appear throughout my life each time I found myself in particular situations are from the PTSD that resulted from this childhood trauma.
What Are The Symptoms Of PTSD?
There are various symptoms of PTSD. You may experience just one, several, or a combination of any symptoms below:
· A difficulty to relax, concentrate, sleep and keep calm – these are also known as reactivity symptoms
· A tendency to relive the trauma, through nightmares, memories and flashbacks
· Frequent mood changes that impact relationships with others, personal goals or general happiness
· Carrying avoidance symptoms, where you avoid anything to do with trauma, even doing the things you once enjoyed doing
Does PTSD Cause Physical Pain?
We can often forget the impact it causes on our entire body. It is not just a mental health condition - PTSD can very easily affect our physical health. Unfortunately, the physical pain we feel results in us seeking physical medical advice first.
Most doctors will move forward with treating your physical symptoms, rather than making an attempt to improve overall mental wellbeing. And, while the medical doctor may give you a course of treatment to help your physical symptoms, you are not getting to the root of the problem – your PTSD – and therefore the physical symptoms will likely re-occur.
If you think you may be suffering from PTSD, then it’s so important to seek out experts who can help heal your mind, as well as your body.
What Does PTSD Do To Our Physical Health?
Our overall health is made up of three sacred areas:
physical health
mental health
spiritual health
And when we suffer from difficulty in one of the three, they can have a residual effect on others. PTSD can cause anxiety, physical tension and stress, sleep problems, back pain, stomach pains, migraines, and other issues. All of these physical symptoms stem from symptoms of PTSD.
What To Do If You Think You May Have PTSD?
If you’re one of the 8 million people in the U.S – or think you might be – then it’s time to create heaven in your life and start healing. You are not alone…
I had talked to therapists, doctors, pastors, friends, family, and even self-help books. Yet I didn’t feel like anyone could understand or relate to what I had been through and how that trauma was affecting my life.
Does this sound familiar to you? If you’ve tried one therapy or practice and it’s not worked, then I have some good news for you. There’s no one route to recovery, but there is a way to overcoming trauma.
Find your way today in a free Healing Discovery Call. Your time is now.
© 2019 Janine Naus
The Link Between Chronic Pain and Childhood Trauma
My earliest trauma happened when I was just five years old, when the worst things were done to me.
This blog highlights my experiences and discusses the link between childhood trauma and chronic pain.
Carrying pain and hurt from the past is heavy.
It may not be a tangible heavy, but your body can feel it even when you can’t.
When it builds up over time, it can begin to manifest itself as physical, chronic pain in several ways. To understand how and why this happens, we must dig a bit deeper.
How Chronic Pain Links To Childhood Trauma
If you have experienced trauma in your childhood and you are seeking healing, there is a good chance that you have tried to do some research to find something – anything - that will help. In doing so, you may have come face-to-face with the many studies that link chronic pain to childhood trauma.
Personally, I did not know the connection until I discovered these studies. And I have witnessed it first hand, it all began to make sense. See, I am a survivor of childhood trauma. I felt the impact of abuse when it happened and felt the pain well into adulthood. It never seemed to go away.
The studies I have read show that the greater frequencies of traumatic events in a child’s upbringing, the greater the chance they would suffer from serious physiological disorders as an adult.
For me, the trauma started at age five when I was horrifically tied to rafters, gagged, raped, and heartlessly left in a burning garage. At age 14, a high school custodial manager sexually abused me, leaving me to be further impacted by a series of furious threats and mental torture by his wife and members of the community.
Unfortunately, these were not the only times I experienced trauma in childhood. Well into adulthood, however, the result of the trauma from my past left me with anger, fear, unmanageable emotions, a lack of confidence, difficulty with intimacy, and so much more.
Why Does Childhood Trauma Impact Our Physical Wellbeing?
Take a moment to consider your own traumatic past. Or, if you don’t want to, take one of my examples above. When we are in that traumatic moment, you feel threatened and will find yourself bombarded with immense toxic feelings of stress, don’t you? Even now, thinking back to the trauma, you may feel these feelings.
This is known as the fight or flight response. And, it encompasses all the physiological feelings that come from these rough situations. Your brain and nervous system work together to release norepinephrine as a result – and prepare your body for battle.
As I grew older and I began trying to engage in relationships with others, when intimacy came into the picture, I’d found myself in a fight or flight moment. The mere thought of getting close stirred up so many unhealthy emotions.
Unfortunately, when these feelings are not addressed (and healed), you may be feeling this level of stress throughout your youth and into your adulthood. Over a period of time, it can damage the nervous system, namely our neural connections. Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child states: the impact of such incidents ‘persist far into adulthood, and lead to lifelong impairments in both physical and mental health’.
What Can We Do To Stop Chronic Pain From Childhood Trauma?
So much research is being done by paediatric health care providers and industry educators to help us better understand the impact of childhood trauma on our physiological wellbeing. This will allow us to identify vulnerable children sooner and help those later in life who suffer in silence.
Could you imagine how life would be different if the results of childhood trauma didn’t follow you into adulthood?
Do You Suffer From Pain From Childhood Trauma?
If so, it is time to let it go, don’t you think? I have been there. My childhood is so full of traumatic moments that it took me until I was 50 years old to make that transformation and let that pain go.
So, I have been where you are. And, I have pulled through. You can too! It all starts with a free Healing Discovery Call and After the call, you’ll discover more about your road to healing and overcoming trauma. I’d love to help you, so Healing Discovery Call.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Will You Ever Be Good Enough?
Do you ever ask yourself if you’re good enough?
This article looks at why we do this and how we can learn to witness the feeling of ‘never being good enough’.
“I am never good enough”
Sound familiar? Do you ever have moments of self-doubt or uncertainty? Do you ever wonder whether you have what it takes to reach your life goals and desires? Join the club. You're not alone!
How does it make you feel? Intense? Confused? Like there’s a barrier stopping you in your tracks?
Why are you not good enough? Or better worded, why do you think you’re not good enough?
Why You Feel You’re Not Good Enough
This feeling and statement comes from your unconscious ego, which manifests from not feeling content. The feeling arrives at times where we’ve created something wonderful. But at the same time, we are unable to embrace the breadth of this wonderful life. This is often because our life never truly fits the idea of what ‘good enough’ should be.
“I am what I am”
Say the above out loud. You are as you are. You are the real, authentic you. You’ve no need to validate who it is you are, you are love and you have the ability to be, to give and to receive love.
Instead of feelings of doubt and concern, try coming from your heart. Try eradicating those false truths that you’re not good enough, all because of your mind continuing to hold on to them.
How To Start Feeling Good Enough
Stay in the moment and focus on the here and now. Let life unfold as it will unfold. If you resist, you’ll suffer. Keep your focus on this moment. You are, who you are.
As we’re born without conditioning, our curiosity allowed us to enjoy our worlds. Well, up until it became a natural habit and we absorbed values and beliefs from others (such as parents, leaders, and teachers). When this is unhelpful to us, recognize the thought of ‘not being good enough’. Where does it come from? Ask yourself “is simply saying this enough proof that I am not good enough?” and learn to question your thoughts deeply, reaching out for a ‘Higher Thought’. Let go of unhelpful, false thoughts that do not serve you.
When we give power to false thoughts, they feel truer, when in fact, they’re the least authentic thoughts we have. We must recognize these thoughts as they come and go. Sometimes the thought may linger, and so does the feeling, but remember, you don’t have to stay there. Practice witnessing your thoughts, rather than believing them. And give yourself space between thoughts by witnessing them.
Now ask yourself: “Am I good enough?”
Get in touch
Everyone, at some point, has not felt good enough. Remember you are not your thoughts. See through your fears. You have everything you need to be happy, within. Get in touch and find out how I can help you on your journey to overcoming trauma.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Choose Will Or Surrender?
On your healing journey you have a decision to make.
Will or Surrender: Which will you choose?
Overcoming trauma isn’t easy.
It’s a journey of self-discovery, transformation and awakening.
If you’re reading this article, you are on the healing journey. Even if it’s the very first thing you’ve read on trauma. And you’re getting closer to an empowered life of inner peace.
Reflect on your journey and congratulate yourself.
It’s Decision Time
Today you are faced with a choice. It’s a big decision you must make. That’s right - you, making an empowered decision. So embrace it!
You’ve been hiking down a trail and arrived at a fork in the road. Now is your chance to choose the direction you wish to turn. On your journey to healing and moving past your trauma, you’ll have discovered many things.
You learn to wave goodbye to your ego and awaken your inner self. The two cannot exist within you. Yet they both arrive at the same destination.
Here’s your choice:
Choosing Will
Choosing a path of ‘will’ means you’ll be a witness to everything you say or do. Moving forward you’ll be witnessing the Self within you, and that indirectly concerns your ego. And as you start witnessing, you become aware and awaken your inner self. When your inner self awakens, your ego sleeps – they cannot exist simultaneously.
Choosing Surrender
Choosing a path of ‘surrender’ directly and immediately concerns the ego, not the Self. And when we make the ego vanish, we awaken the inner Self unknowingly!
So, what will it be? Comment below or get in touch today to let me know.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Unlock Your True Nature: The Three Principles
Our experience of life is based on three things.
They’re three things you can’t see, touch or feel…
Our experience of life is based on three things.
They’re three things you can’t see, touch or feel.
They are three principles: Mind. Consciousness. Thought.
And they help us make sense of our true nature. Also known as our ‘essence’. It’s the nature of who we really are. It’s so important we understand this, to make the most of our existence and experience in this world. As I say, there are three invisible principles, which are instrumental to the life we experience.
Principle 1: Mind
The power of the mind
The mind is not our thoughts. It’s the formless energy behind the intelligence within it. And behind all the functioning is your beating heart, circulating blood and breathing lungs. It all works without us needing to do a single thing. It creates everything you see in the moment. In fact, many refer to the mind as God, Infinite Intelligence, Source and many more.
Principle 2: Consciousness.
The power of consciousness
Also known as our pure awareness, our consciousness is not a physical thing. Being conscious is knowing what is around us and how we experience it. It is the power to be aware, and to be aware that we’re aware. Our consciousness gives us the capacity to experience all that we desire in that moment. It brings our thoughts to life. It is the ‘I Am’ and the reason we’re able to choose to create heaven, wherever ‘I Am’.
Principle 3: Thought
The power of thought
Thought is considered a pure, impersonal substance allowing us to create thought-forms. Not only this, but it allows us to experience life through our own reality. It’s what makes each and every one of us unique, and our own individual. Our thoughts are our stories, memories, perceptions, values and beliefs. Our thoughts are our dreams.
The Power of the Three Principles
You’ll notice I introduce each principle with the ‘power of…’. I do this because all three principles give you power and control to live life on your terms. They empower you to open your heart to a cherished, authentic life, which are full of enjoyable, meaningful relationships.
Do you know your true essence?
To discover more about the three principles, reach out to me today by commenting below or by arranging a free 30-minute Healing Discovery session.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Overcome Fear And Anxiety
Here’s a great exercise that you can do right away. It’s an easy way to control unexpected feelings of anxiety and fear.
Trauma and anxiety go hand in hand.
And anxiety comes in a variety of forms. It can pop up when we least expect it, for what seems no apparent reason. We can carry it with us for hours, days or months at a time.
Either way, the impact it has on our mindset and health can be horrific. During or after feelings of anxiety, we may begin to judge ourselves or believe something is wrong with us. It’s important to reassure yourself. And tell yourself that this may not always be true.
When we feel fear, we know it is a response to something potentially dangerous or a perceived danger. And what many people fail to realize is there’s a science behind it. There’s a part of our brain that triggers this nervous response. And it works on body memory… Its scientific name is Magdala!
What does Magdala do?
Our body remembers all things that are dangerous from the past.
It doesn’t matter if it’s emotional or physical, it triggers a response to danger before it enters the cognitive part of our brain. Magdala then signals the cognitive part of our brain to process and determine what it is that’s going on. The feelings we get as a result are feelings of protection and flight or fright in the body. So in the haze of confusion it doesn’t realize everything is actually okay, and leads us to believe there’s something wrong.
Unless you’re aware of this feeling, the experience doesn’t feel too good, and we don’t know why we feel this way. But hey, guess what? Now you know. So you’re aware that what’s really happened is there’s been a trigger from your emotional body memory correlation, to some past memory that once scared us.
What we need to do?
It’s quite practical really. We must remind the cognitive part of our brain that everything is fine, and give it a few minutes to be calm.
What we tend to do?
Unfortunately we tend to create a feeling that something is wrong, and re-loop the emotional body memory correlation to a past memory that once scared us. Which means we inadvertently release those hormones, thinking we’re keeping safe.
As for next time…
In reality anxiety does not come out of the blue. So next time you feel anxious unexpectedly and you are aware everything is okay, then simply follow the step above. Remind your body that everything is okay and wait ten to fifteen minutes for your body to calm.
Speak with me today
To discover more about fear and anxiety, and how to control it, then reach out to me today by commenting below or by arranging a free Healing Discovery session call.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Respond And Not React
In difficult situations, and with difficult people, we can often find ourselves reacting, rather than responding.
And together with setting and practicing positive boundaries, choosing to respond is always best.
Think of a time when someone was rude to you.
Or failing that, think of a time when someone has been difficult with you.
It’s so challenging to know how best to handle this kind of situation.
Rule number one. When they are rude or disrespectful, don’t take it personally, be silent and then simply move on.
Unfortunately for them, these people only understand from their level of perception, from the way they see the world. When their perception does not come from a place of compassion, love or understanding, it comes from a place of fear. And when we allow someone else to cause drama around us, by something they’ve done or said, they may feel in control of you at that moment.
Here’s a quote I swear by in such times:
“The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedom is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.” Victor Frankl
The truth is, when you react to the actions of what someone else does to you, you may not have set clear boundaries. We discussed setting positive boundaries in a previous blog.
Choosing to respond
You have the power within to choose how you respond. That’s right! Which means you are in control of the direction of what happens next. If you feel you’re over reacting to a situation, step away so you can regain your composure, and then choose your best way to respond.
To learn more about setting boundaries or choosing to respond rather than react, then reach out to me and schedule your free 30-minute healing discovery session.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Why Boundaries Can Build Better Relationships
Tired of feeling unappreciated and disrespected? Wouldn’t it feel amazing to feel respected and listened to by those around you? Here’s how setting positive boundaries can help you. Enjoy!
Do you ever find yourself feeling disrespected? Do those around you ever put down our opinions and ignore or refuse your requests? I’ve been there. And I know it left me feeling ignored, undervalued and unappreciated. In order for us to respond and make real change, we must consider the boundaries we set for others and ourselves.
As children we quickly learn the fact of life that people are not nice sometimes and that they can take advantage of others. This is where setting boundaries is crucial to keep relationships healthy, fair and authentic.
What are Boundaries?
Boundaries are often discussed in a negative way, but in fact, they are quite often the solution to negative feelings or situations. You do not need to justify, apologize for, nor explain boundaries you choose to set. And when setting them, be calm, be clear, be certain, be courteous, be you.
Boundaries can define who we are, and allow us to ask for what we need. It gives us the confidence to say ‘No’ without feelings of guilt. So consider starting to act according to your own values and beliefs, and not that of others.
How to set good boundaries
When we consider the power of boundaries in our lives, we realize that boundaries give us responsibility to be truly happy, and feel responsible for the happiness of those around us. When boundaries are set, you are in touch with your own feelings, and not the holder of the feelings of others. And finally, boundaries are guidelines for you to know what is, and what is not acceptable to you.
Here are three top tips to setting good boundaries:
Tip One: Increase your Self-Care.
We can all do more to take better care of ourselves. By practicing self-care more often, you will become a stronger support to those around you, particularly in times of sadness or distress. There’s more on self-care in a previous blog post.
Tip Two: Build a web of resources.
We’re not all experts on everything. So find others out there. Whether you’re joining support groups, counselling or meeting likeminded people at events or classes.
Tip Three: Focus on choosing responsibilities
It’s a fact that you can’t do it all. So decide what you will and won’t be responsible for. And when you take on a challenge, give yourself a time limit and protect the time, which you’ve put aside for your wellbeing.
Want to learn more?
Get your respect back today and try setting some good boundaries. If you’d like to talk through boundary setting with me, then please book your free healing discover session with me today.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Find Courage After Trauma
For any major transformation, we must find courage. And for trauma survivors, we may need to find the courage within us first.
Courage exists in each and every one of us, and here’s how to find it…
What’s done is done. And all too often, we are told to look to the future and forget about the past. For trauma survivors though, it is far easy said than done.
Ironically, it sometimes seems as though the past is in the present. Everyday it creeps into our daily routine and becomes a barrier to our happiness and safety. We seek ways of coping and can often feel we’re fighting our battle alone. The truth is, we do have a choice to make. We can choose courage. And courage is the difference between continued sadness and creating heaven wherever we are in life. You may feel that it’s a choice that doesn’t exist but believe me - it’s there.
Finding the courage
All transformation in life takes courage, and overcoming trauma is no different. Courage resides within your body. So to find it, take a deep breath and feel where it resides. Can you feel it? If so, magical! If not, keep breathing deeper and deeper, and focus on it. When you feel it, this is where you gather the energy and belief to build exactly what you desire in life.
After trauma, we can sometimes feel disconnected. In moments like this, take time out to be quiet and find the courage from that spot within you, and notice what it feels like. It is this energy within that helps you take one step further to moving beyond trauma and creating heaven in your world.
I really hope this post as helped you believe in the power of courage. To take it further and to continue on your journey to healing, reach out to me and arrange a free call with me.
Jump on a 30-minute complimentary coaching session.
© 2019 Janine Naus
Do you live life deliberately and purposefully?
Do you live life deliberately and purposefully?
“Why are you on this planet?”
One of the most asked and discussed questions all over the world. Here are the three reasons I believe we’re here:
…to create
…to experience
…to love
And when we put the focus on our own lives, and open our heart to taking inspired actions, our lives are transformed in the most magical of ways.
What does it mean to live purposefully?
When we live life purposefully, happiness and joy expands without limits. We follow that strong, powerful and authentic feeling even when the purpose is unclear - simply because, it feels so good!
Not only this, but we step on a journey of living life deliberately and purposefully with real intention and care for our actions. We’re focused, connected and engaged in creating a cherished life that is full of consciousness of the nature and effects of it - it is filled with the beauty of authenticity.
It’s important to remember that others may resist our improved mindset and newfound path, or we may feel a bit of fear. Don’t let this stop you. After all, feeling fear means you’re doing something really, really brave. Continue with courage and perseverance on your journey to inner peace.
Jump on a 30-minute complimentary coaching session with me and I’ll share with you the 3 key things to living the life you want. Let me guide you on a journey to happiness and inner peace.
© 2019 Janine Naus
4 Ways To Align Passion To Purpose
To identify our purpose, we must first find our passion.
Here is how to discover our passion and the 4 ways to aligning it with our purpose.
You’re ready for change. So in order to start healing we must understand the difference between your passion and your purpose. By doing so, we have a greater opportunity to live happier, healthier and start living an authentic life of calmness, control and full of love for ourselves and others.
How to find your purpose
When I started having conversations with other trauma survivors, I quickly learned that my purpose was to help them create heaven in their lives, just as I’d done. Helping others gave me most gratification and every day, I lend an ear and lovingly support those who want to heal. This was my passion… and thus, my purpose.
So when you’re searching for your purpose, ask yourself: what is your passion? When you’ve got this, work towards it and before you know it, you’ll have found your purpose in life.
How to align your passion to purpose
1. Meditate: Start the day with morning meditation: Who are you helping? What will your efforts do to help? This is a sure-fire way to give your morning a running start.
2. Visualize: See it. What does it look like when you’re having the impact you desire? What does it feel like? In doing this, allow the feeling of confidence to rush through you.
3. Plan: Only you are responsible for your purpose, so plan ahead! Write down your inspired actions for the day and take care of your mind and body to help you achieve great things.
4. Believe: To achieve it, you must believe it to be possible. So encourage yourself always, and express gratitude for your efforts.
Want to talk more?
Hopefully now you’ve learned a little more about how to align your passion to your purpose. I’d love to hear your story, so feel free to book your complimentary 30-minute coaching session with me. I look forward to speaking with you.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Find Courage After Trauma
Finding courage isn’t easy when you’re a trauma survivor.Here’s a short blog, which includes an exercise you can do when you next need to find courage within you.
After trauma, we can feel disconnected. In times of disconnection, we can be left feeling without courage and faith. In a previous blog, I covered how to find faith in such difficult times. And in this short blog, we take a look at courage.
Courage is a choice. And, more importantly, it’s your choice.
How to Find it
We must first learn where courage resides in our body. So, take a long deep breath and physically feel where courage resides in your body. Got it? Amazing. Not got it? Keep taking deep breaths and I promise you will find it. It’s in this spot where you gather the positive energy and belief to build a life you desire.
When you next feel disconnected, take time out to be quiet and return to this exercise. Take a deep breath and bring the courage forward from that spot within you. Identify it. Use it. And feel it. It’s this energy within that helps you take one step further to moving beyond trauma and creating heaven in your world.
Get in touch
Reach out to me to talk more or book your free 30-minute strategy call to get started on your road to a cherished life, full of faith and courage.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Find Faith After Trauma
For trauma survivors, discovering (or rediscovering) faith is a stepping stone to our transformation.In this blog, we look at why…
For trauma survivors, it’s almost certain to have experienced betrayal in our lives. When we are let down by others, our faith in others and ourselves are often broken. It’s how we react that determines our ability to recover and find inner peace afterwards. The learning here, is to remember that:
‘We have the power to control how we act’
When something bad happens to children, you’ll often find that the parents put up walls and react, rather than take action. They seek retribution. When really, they should be focusing on taking care of their child and focus on repairing the damage. This is NO different to how we should treat ourselves post-trauma. Let’s not put up walls, nor seek retribution to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Let’s look internally, repair the damage and have faith that the future is in our hands. Wonderful thought, right?
So how do we do it?
ALWAYS remember that there is a power greater than ourselves, who is always there for us, through thick and thin. Plus, it’s a power that’s always available as our source of cherished comfort, guidance and inner peace.
In times of need, reach out to your Higher Power.
“I need your help, your wisdom, your insight.”
Keep faith that your questions will be answered and DO NOT let fear pollute your thoughts to limited thinking. When we feel we’ve been let down, or people have disappointed us, let’s learn to trust. Don’t get me wrong, this is sometimes easier said than done. To be true to yourself and your values, learn not to put up walls and dread it happening again, and instead take an inspired action, where we focus externally rather than internally.
Welcome connection into your life
By opening your heart and reaching out, you’ll keep connected. So speak with me today or book your free 30-minute strategy call to get started on your road to inner peace.
© 2019 Janine Naus
5 Ways To Get 'Unstuck'
Do you ever feel stuck? It’s a challenge so many trauma survivors have.
Let’s learn why we feel this way and the 5 ways we can get ‘unstuck’.
When do we feel stuck?
Life is not a story that’s already written. The truth is, we are of course one of the writers of our story, but it’s not just our behavior and decisions that impact it. As you well know, life doesn’t always stick to our plans; these are often changed in some way and this can be both good and bad. Sometimes this can make us feel we have nowhere to go, and we feel stuck and worry that unrealized plans mean that we have failed. We can often feel helpless and fear that we are defined by an event or circumstance in our lives, and simply cannot see ANY way of moving forward.
And we call it ‘feeling stuck’…
Feeling stuck is what it is. It’s a feeling. Most commonly speaking, feeling stuck doesn’t mean you physically cannot move, right? Being ‘stuck’ (or more accurately ‘feeling stuck’) can be a mental, emotional or physical experience – or a mixture of the three!
But what makes us feel stuck? Here are three reasons why:
1. When we don’t know who we really are.
We can feel stuck when we’re not living an authentic life. It can often happen when we let others around us make our decisions and lead to feelings of powerlessness. And when you feel you’re out of control, that’s when you can feel trapped.
2. When you don’t want to find out who you are
Explore who you are. Find out what is true to you. And be clear on your values. These will help you discover the real you inside, the ‘you’ who wants to live a cherished life, on your terms.
3. When we live down to other peoples expectations
Do you often measure yourself against the expectations of others? Does this mean you’re doing things you simply don’t want to do? Behaving in ways that aren’t true to you? This is so common for trauma survivors. Being aware of this is a great place to start.
5 tips to not feeling stuck
Be truthful: Always tell the truth
Be honest: Let go of all excuses
Be vulnerable: Expose the inner you
Be open: Ask for help
Be forgiving: Be open to forgive
If you want to talk this through a little more, then schedule a free 30-minute strategy call with me, Janine.
© 2019 Janine Naus
How To Love Unconditionally
Do you love unconditionally? Here’s a quick blog update all about how you can choose to live a conditional life while loving unconditionally…
How to Create Unconditional Love
Conditional and unconditional love will be something you’ll have heard of many times before. But learning to live a conditional life and learning to love unconditionally is something of great importance on your journey of transformation. So welcome unconditional love toward you.
How to Create Your Own Life
Know that everything you need to know will come your way, helping you gain clarity on what you want your life to look like, and what you want to change about your world. Not only this, but knowing what needs to change will also help you understand the pace and timings of your transformation to a love-filled life. Start appreciating the contrast wherever you go in life and you’ll begin purposefully creating your own life.
On This Day…
Do you often start your day with positive thoughts and feelings about love, when momentum was slow? Then as the day progressed you tended to love what was picked up purposefully and deliberately? As you build these positive feelings, the natural consequence of being focused on this energy is the creation of unconditional love; the most natural feelings generated internally from within, rather than externally.
You now need to feel the difference between being aligned and your Higher Power flowing through you, before looking to be aligned.
Find your balance to unconditional love by starting from the inside out.
What does this mean? Well, finding your balance simply takes practice first, shortly followed by feelings of unconditional love. You will feel it with everything you experience. Place your attention on what it is you desire, focus in, and then open your heart, and feel the feelings flow through you.
Always share your love unconditionally with those in your circle of influence, in profound ways. If you want to learn more about loving unconditionally, then reach out to me or book a free 30-minute consultation .
© 2019 Janine Naus
Do You Have The Power To Change Your Thoughts?
Our thoughts can determine how we feel in any given moment. And when we learn how to control our thoughts, we then have the power to change how we feel…
Of course you do. We all do. Let me explain…
Your ability to ‘think’ is one of the most powerful tools you have in your catalog of abilities as a human being. Not only this, but it’s the essence of who we really are, and what makes you… well, you.
So many of us take the power of our thoughts for granted. We forget that thoughts aren’t fixed. They give us the freedom to change, at will, in any given moment.
So what’s the relevance of ‘thinking’ for trauma survivors?
Changing Thoughts
Before opening my heart and deciding I was ready for change, I used to feel victimized. I would go through life feeling I was the victim of my circumstances.
As I began to work on my inner peace, my thoughts shifted. I soon realized I was the one who was creating victim-like thoughts. These would be negative thoughts reflecting on the circumstances I was experiencing. Honestly, it took me a while to realize how my thoughts played such a crucial role. My powerful victim-like thoughts resulted in a lot of needless struggle.
How to Shift to More Powerful Thoughts
Being still. I began to quiet my mind. I allowed my head to clear, and opened my heart to change. I started to create a new set of thoughts that helped me transform my life. Sure, to begin with, I could not believe it…
But it works.
As soon as my thinking changed, so did the reality within my world.
Just remember, YOU have the power to change your mind, to see things more clearly, to make new choices and to create new ideas. I’d like to leave you with a quote:
“Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realize everything in your life is exactly how YOU allow it to be.” ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
You see, when you start believing that you control your thoughts, you can start building a happier, love-filled life. To talk more about the power of your thoughts, then get in touch with me today or book a free consultation with me, your friend, Janine.
© 2019 Janine Naus