The Importance of Being Present
Nobody wants to be stuck in the past, do they? It just happens. But there is something to be said about living in the moment – this moment. Being present can bring the greatest sense of peace to your life.
When you understand that you cannot change the past or the future and that you only have this very moment, you will be motivated to stay in the present. This awareness will bring calm and peace to your life.
Easier said than done? We’ll see.
When you learn how to be present, you will learn how to bring calm and peace in your life. Maintain your present awareness and you will find that you are able to have more of what you desire in your life.
So, being present has sort of become a cliché. Who cares? It works – and it is important you're your healing. We are often told to be present. But, not very many people tell us how the heck we are supposed to do that, right?
Well, it's all about being in the NOW at that moment. It's about your mind being in the moment and also being aware of where your body is right now. Let's say, for example, that you are having lunch with a dear friend. Physically, your body is sitting there on a chair with a table between you and your friend. You’re now is sitting on a chair. When you smell the coffee and listen to the chatter around you – and the conversation with your friend – you are in this moment. Overall, being present is sitting there and feeling the experience and not wishing you were someplace else or that that conversation was over. Being present means you appreciate the conversation with your friend, you are truly listening, and do not find yourself focusing on other things you need or should be doing in your life.
That's being present.
So being present is about having your mind completely engaged while appreciating wherever your body is. It is not trying to think about what you'd like to do next.
Now for those of us who experienced trauma, we may have experienced severe violations of our safety and trust. This leads to the potential for having a difficult time figuring out how to carry our negative history into the present moment without it impacting our feelings and behavior. Because humans are wired to shut down neural functions of the fight, flee or freeze in order to survive, it may result in addictive or self-harming behaviors designed to numb or banish those distressing thoughts that come up.
Sound like you?
Reduce the power of your ego and find yourself in the present moment. Here’s how you can do that.
Focus on the Out-Breath. Close your mouth and take a deep breath in through your nose. It's important to know that when you breathe in through your mouth it creates a slight anxiety response and that increases your heart rate and redirects your blood flow. If you release your breath through your nose it has the opposite effect and relaxes you. Notice what happens when you take a breath in and exhale. What happens? Nothing. This technique comes from the Theravada Buddhist tradition. When you practice this mouth-breathing technique you'll find everything falls away with that out-breath and nothing happens.
We can learn from each other. What will you do every day as part of your healing process to be present? Practice focusing on the Out-Breath and let me know how this practice helps you.
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If you are ready to live life in the present moment, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link:
© 2021 Janine Naus