How to Learn to Trust Yourself Again
You are the one constant that you will always have. You need to be able to trust yourself, don’t you? But how? When you feel broken and weak, you may find it difficult to trust yourself in the decisions you have to make in life.
This is where your intuition comes in. You’ve likely heard of it before, right? As you strengthen it, you will learn to trust yourself. This, in turn, will help you make faster and better decisions in all aspects of your life.
You have to start by strengthening your intuition.
Without strengthening your intuition, you will not be able to fully be yourself and be fully alive to use all of your talents and gifts. In other words, you won’t be able to live each day knowing that your life has purpose and meaning. And don’t you want to be living your life with purpose and meaning?
Strengthening your intuition means you just know certain things at a deeper, cellular level. You feel them. Some people actually refer to this as your gut feeling. It's how you connect to higher levels of your consciousness which will then help you make decisions that best suit your needs and your life.
Is it hard for you to make decisions? Whether they are big or small decisions…do you find yourself struggling to find the right answer? Are you constantly worried that you will make the wrong decision?
You have a powerful and incredible resource within yourself that you can learn to tap into – your intuition. And when you know how to tap into it, you will always have the right answer for you - available when you need it.
Want to learn how you can tap into this awesome inner voice of yours? Here’s a tip. See, your intuition generally comes to you in soft subtle ways. For example, you may get visual messages such as a flash or slow-motion movie. It may speak to you in the form of hunches, thoughts or words. You may respond in the form of self-dialogue. Your intuition may come via physical sensations such as goosebumps or a gut feeling. You may experience your intuition through your emotions when you may feel uneasiness if your intuition is steering you away from something or euphoria and peace when you're being steered in the right direction. You may even have that sense of knowing and certainty this is the right thing for you.
The more you begin opening yourself up to recognizing your intuition, the easier it will be to follow. Are there ways you have noticed your intuition daily? Have you begun strengthening your intuition as part of your healing process?
We can learn from each other. In what ways do you recognize your intuition? How have you worked to strengthen it? Share your thoughts with us. Leave a comment below!
If you are ready to strengthen your intuition and begin healing, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link:
© 2020 Janine Naus