Take Back Your Ego’s Control
When you reduce the power of your ego, you begin to live more in the present moment. Your limits fade when the fear of failure fades. Can you see that? The power of your ego is so strong that if you don’t get control of it, you can feel lost, desperate and confused. If you skip this step in the healing process, you will not break free from the belief that you are nothing more than the sum of your past experiences, stories, successes, and failures. And I want you to know absolutely, that you are so much more than that.
If you reduce your ego, you will be able to forgive and let go of hurt feelings. You will find that you can be open and honest with yourself and others. You will be able to surrender your need for control or attachment for a specific outcome...
It is important to learn to let go of your ego. Although it should be noted that letting go of your ego may be simple in concept, it can be difficult to do.
Taking back your ego’s power will help you become aware that you’re grounded in the truth and that who you really are is an expression of pure consciousness. When you reduce the power of your ego you discard the toxic armor between you and your true self. See, the ego is often associated with the overinflated and self-focused aspects of pride and vanity. For trauma survivors, ego increases in power with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority and appears as a lack of self-worth, shame, and self-hatred. We may have accepted as truth the less-than-optimal words we've been telling ourselves or hearing from others. Without realizing it we've used our ego as a protective shield from ourselves and others. We created a sense of separation from ourselves and the world around us.
We have lost control.
If we spend our days complaining, whether it is through thoughts or words, ego gains its power. Ego takes hold of you through our complaints of ourselves, others, and experiences. What happens is you no longer have your own thoughts. Instead, your thoughts begin to have power over you.
To free yourself from this power you need to understand all those thoughts are created by the voice within you. What you feel after that voice has spoken is your own response to it. So, to reduce the power of your ego and stop that voice from dictating your reality, you need to get practicing.
Observe Your Thoughts. Take time each day to observe the thoughts you think and note those thoughts that are habitual and negative. Jot down, without judgment, any negative thoughts you may have such as anger, irritation, impatience, and sadness. You are simply noticing and observing those thoughts. You can jot down some of those habitual thoughts in the lines below.
We can learn from each other. What will you do every day as part of your healing process to reduce the power of your ego? What negative thoughts do you notice?
Share your thoughts with us. Leave a comment below!
If you are ready to regain control of your thoughts by reducing your ego’s power, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link: https://www.griefandtraumarelief.com/now.
© 2020 Janine Naus