
Are you struggling with intense feelings that you originally felt during the trauma? Such as…
fear, shame, sadness or despair…

Get the Emotional Resiliency Toolkit

Begin Your Journey to Life After Trauma With the Emotional Resiliency Toolkit Relief Meditations & Energy Healing Audio Course.

What it includes…

Audio Recordings of 15 Meditation, Grounding, Breath-Work Visualization strategies to help you navigate a wide range of trauma symptoms.


  • Lifetime Access

    (Value:  $497)

    Lifetime access to all the video and the audio recordings of the trainings at no additional charge.

  • Over 40-page Comprehensive Workbook

    (Value:  $197) 

    Fill-in-the-blank worksheets, templates and scripts will deepen your understanding and support your learning.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique

    (Value:  $197) 

    To understand what tapping is and how you can apply it to your life. Use it to reduce overall stress levels and relieve pain. Apply it to help you get past your limiting beliefs.

  • One-on-One 30-Minute Coaching Call With Me

    (Value:  $497)

    For when you need extra support, a one-on-one 60-minute call with me will be available for you.


$1685 in value with above bonuses - Get it all for only $97