Begin Your Transformation
You’ve come a long way by this point. In the Begin Your Transformation portion, a follow-up to my 3-month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past program, you will learn to go beyond simply existing. But, this is not easy. It is going to require more strategies and taking a deeper dive into integrating these strategies into your day to day life.
We’re going to wrap up our time together by bringing together all we’ve learned so that you can feel safe and confident knowing you are so much more than what happened. You’ll discover how to trust in the flow of life rather than trying to control it, be able to look at life through a lens of possibilities and opportunities instead of a filter of obstacles and limitations. And, begin to intentionally design your long-term vision for your bright new future. And this means choosing a path for your NEW journey, and identifying those steps so that you can set new goals for your bright new future. Begin Your Transformation will explore 4 essential pillars, Beyond Simply Existing, Choose to Be a Thriver, Set New Thriver Vision and Goals and Implementation.
Begin Your Transformation: Cultivate Self-Awareness
Knowing yourself is important. I am referring to that deep, inner knowledge of who you are. And to gain this information, you need to cultivate self-awareness. This helps you learn of your character, feelings, motives and desires. It is also a state of being present with your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Cultivating self-awareness helps bring clarity to your internal state – and it’s required in order to live a happy and joyful life.
When you begin your transformation, it is all about getting beyond simply existing. This is going to require more strategies and taking a deeper dive into integrating these strategies into your day-to-day so that you can get unstuck, be able to stay in the moment, increase your feelings of self-empowerment, and live an aligned life based on your values and principals.
Beginning your transformation means that you learn information, strategies and tools that help you feel safe and confident knowing you are so much more than what happened. You’ll discover how to trust in the flow of life rather than trying to control it, be able to look at life through a lens of possibilities and opportunities instead of a filter of obstacles and limitations and begin to intentionally design your long-term vision for your bright new future. And this means choosing a path for your NEW journey, and identifying those steps so that you can set new goals for your bright new future.
What would beginning your transformation mean to you? What would it look like?
Let’s learn from each other. What other tools do you know for cultivating self-awareness? Share in the comments below!
If you are ready to begin your transformation, it starts with cultivating self-awareness. I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link:
© 2020 Janine Naus