Stop Suffering Now – And Let Your Denial Go
Denial stops you from having joy because repressing emotions creates an internal struggle that takes you out of alignment. But, when you overcome your denial, you stay true to yourself and increase your personal power.
Personally, I used to struggle a lot. In fact, my pain and suffering felt relentless - especially when I heard others tell me to let it go or ask me questions like, Why can’t you just get over it? I felt crushed inside. They didn’t realize how it minimized all the pain I was feeling and how hurtful it felt. Most people are just trying to be helpful. Maybe they just don’t know what to say so they just fumble through, trying to make you feel better. Regardless of the intention, it can sting just the same. Hurt is one of the emotions we feel when someone we hoped could understand - just doesn’t. They just don’t get it.
These types of dismissive statements can be a trigger to someone who has experienced trauma.
I think it’s important to understand why you may be reacting in this overdetermined way. And why you find it so difficult to be on the receiving end of these types of statements. First, you need to know that it is not you. You are not at fault for why these comments affect you. It’s your trauma.
Our fight or flight instinct kicks in immediately when we hear such statements because the trauma we may have experienced has set that dynamic in motion. Even long after the trauma, we can still experience this fight or flight instinct when we hear these kinds of triggers if we have not learned how to soothe ourselves.
Here’s a tip I want you to do to overcome denial and begin to stop suffering now.
Let It Go and Allow
If you let go and allow the results of something you planned it is called surrendering. Often life does not go according to our plans. If we cling to the outcome of our plans, we send a message to the Universe that we are not worthy. Clinging to the outcome is actually a form of resistance. As psychologist Carl Jung contended, “what you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.”
So if you are placing all of your energy into something you are planning - do you let go and allow? After recognizing the ways in which you are denying yourself and are willing to work through the issues, you can learn how to let it go and allow positivity in. It's important to let go and allow the flow to do its work.
Are you wondering how can you do that? You let go and allow by setting an intention - and that has everything to do with surrendering. Why? Because once you set an intention, you surrender the outcome of what it is you intend.
What intention can you set for yourself and then let go and allow so you can stop suffering and overcome denial? (Example, I intend to notice how I am feeling in the moment)
We can learn from each other. How have you chosen to find joy and overcome denial? Leave a comment below!
If you are ready to overcome denial and stop suffering now, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link:
Other announcements:
Social distancing and stay at home orders are protecting us from the spread of the Corona virus...but for those of us who experienced or continue to experience trauma (physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and catastrophic event) this can be a difficult time for us.
Are you feeling anxious or worried? Is sheltering in bringing up difficult feelings? Collectively we all may be feeling a bit heavy these days. We are experiencing the deep impact of this global COVID-19 pandemic in ways we could have never imagine – and that may be bringing up a lot of emotions.
So I have two free events and my free private and safe Bridge to Healing Community on Facebook:
For the coming week…April 6, 2020 through April 10, 2020 at 12:00pm NOON Eastern:
Free Mini Midday Conscious Healing and Connection Tools!
Are you feeling a little cooped up? Feeling alone?
A bit isolated? Need an uplifting break?
Come join me at 12:00 pm NOON easterner everyday April 8 - 10, 2020 for a midday or mid-wherever you are break
to learn a different strategy each day to help you get relief from difficult emotions.
I’ll be sharing valuable strategies and inspired action tips that you can start implementing in your life right away to stay positive, focus on your goals, and create your desired experience – no matter what is happening in the world around you! You'll learn Emotional Freedom Technique, Visualization Exercises, How to Reframe Your Thoughts, and more!
Click here to join and find more peace, happiness and joy:'ll even gift you my 10-Page workbook called Discover Secrets to Your True Nature and Inspired Actions From Your Heart and Not Your Hurt
Join my free Bridge to Healing community for women. Bridge to Healing Community is a private community where you can interact and communicate with others who have had similar trauma experiences. Here you can learn how to end the suffering and be in harmony with yourself. We offer lots of supportive resources that can help you begin to move forward so you can start to heal from your past trauma.
We are a community that inspires and encourages its members on their healing journey while practicing mindfulness. We are compassionate and loving to each other within this community.
My primary goal is to give you grief and trauma relief. I want to ease your suffering by providing a solid foundation of emotional resilience. And by ensuring you feel you are in a supportive community, you will be better equipped to help you cope with the stress and anxiety trauma can bring.
Click here to join the private and safe Bridge to Healing Community: Bridge to Healing Community Group Vent and Support Calls for Women. Join me every Friday at 8pm Eastern now through May 29, 2020 at 8:00pm Eastern. You can come into my Zoom room. It’s a free support group call. You can join me by clicking the link below or join me in our safe and supportive Bridge to Healing Community on Facebook and get the Zoom link there under a similar post.
Click here to join weekly calls:
© 2020 Janine Naus