To Gain Peace, You Must Decrease Distractions
If you want to be more powerfully connected to your inner awareness, you are going to have to learn how to decrease your distractions in life.
Of course, to decrease your distractions, you have to increase your awareness of them, right?
Expanding your awareness about the distractions in your life is simply being conscious of what you do, what you experience, how you react, and what that reaction means to show you. Can you see how this step from my program will help you open your mind and expand your awareness?
We encounter distractions every day. Life is full of them. And, in the midst of a distraction, we are tempted to lose focus. For trauma survivors these challenges that arise with distractions can be amplified.
It is important to pay attention and shift from distracting thoughts or actual distractions – whether good or bad – that will get in the way of our connectedness to our higher power, whatever or whoever that is for you.
Distractions can have a big impact on us. They can make us feel stuck. They can keep us frustrated. And, they can even steal our joy and our happiness. But, did you know that these distractions can sometimes appear without us knowing? That’s right – they can be so subtle and/or we can be so used to them showing up in our life that we don’t recognize them for the obstacle that they are.
What happens at the end of a day that has been particularly filled with distractions?
As we are getting ready to relax and close out another day, we think back about the distractions that we faced for the day – and we begin to judge ourselves and beat ourselves up for being so easily distracted.
I don’t want that for you as that is no way to have a joyful life. I want you to notice, but be gentle with yourself. Remember that we are all a work in progress – and that’s what we’re doing here together. We are taking the steps we need to move forward.
As you grow and become much more aware of when you are becoming distracted, you will stop beating yourself and start addressing the distraction. By taking small steps, we can begin to avoid distractions that derail our well-intentioned plans to move forward in life.
What small step can you take to decrease distractions and make peace with your past? (for example, if you’ve become sidetracked, simply pause to notice it and come back to your focus)
We can learn from each other. What are some small steps you will take to reduce the level of distractions in your life? Leave a comment below!
If you are ready to decrease the distractions found in your everyday life, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link:
© 2020 Janine Naus