How Well Do You Know Yourself?
No matter what your answer, know this: You need to know yourself.
And, knowing your self comes when you make the decision to begin cultivating self-awareness.
Cultivating self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of your character, feelings, motives, and desires. It’s your self-knowledge or introspection. It is a state of being present with your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It helps you bring clarity to your internal state. It’s important to be self-aware in order to live a happy and joyful life.
When you are cultivating self-awareness, you are paying attention to all aspects of your life. In fact, you are becoming self-aware when you begin paying attention to:
What you are thinking.
What you are saying.
How you are feeling.
Your behavior and how you are acting.
How you are reacting.
What you are attracting into your life.
Who you are attracting into your life.
Becoming self-aware will enable you to make better decisions. If you skip this vital step. You will be unable to experience the depths of joy, intimacy, authenticity, connection, peace and fulfillment that you want.
Knowing yourself is crucial in your life. Regardless of where you come from or what you have been through. It is perhaps the only way to truly feel your inner self, know who you really are, and find a genuine sense of peace. Intrigued? Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits you can expect when you become more self-aware.
You will find that you have a better understanding of your own needs, desires, and beliefs.
You will be more able to adapt to life changes that suit your needs.
You will better understand why you do the things you do.
These benefits are worth the time and effort required to make this happen – especially if you are ready for a positive change in your life.
Cultivating Self-Awareness is all about you developing the ability to look at yourself objectively – and without judgment. You will find the ability to pay attention to your inner world. And, your thoughts and emotions will become center stage. As I said, not in a judgmental way, but in a way that allows you to fully see yourself – for all that you are. This is often what is referred to as ‘being mindful’.
Taking a step in the right direction starts with learning new strategies. For instance, learning to respond rather than simply react. While it may sound difficult, it gets easier with practice and preparedness. Have some responses ready that can halt the conversation from going any further. This will keep a situation from escalating – or buy you some time to gather a proper response. Using phrases such as, “That doesn’t work for me,” or simply, “no,” is a wonderful place to start. If you feel you need more time, respond with, “I will need to get back to you on this.”
Having words ready for you at your disposal is a powerful strategy.
We can learn from each other. Do you have some ideas of what you can do every day to cultivate self-awareness? Leave a comment below!
If you are ready to cultivate self-awareness every day of your life, then I have a program for you: my 3-Month Stop Suffering Now and Make Peace With Your Past starting now. To learn more, message me directly or if you prefer to get on my calendar here’s my link::
© 2019 Janine Naus