Dig Deep Into Your Mind For Positive Experiences
Our mind is what tells our body what to do. When our mind moves, our body moves. In fact, what is in our mind can be exhibited outwardly by our body. For example, when you are sad, your shoulders may slump and you may move more slowly.
Did you know that this great mind of ours is split into two parts? It sure is – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Think of it as if there is an invisible line separating your mind into these two parts. Each part has its own characteristics.
Our conscious mind allows us to think freely and create new ideas. It is simply trying to make sense of our experiences. It encompasses all our senses, such as touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. We can physically experience these things. These senses send the information to our conscious mind and we can make decisions, choices, and evaluations based on what we encounter.
But what about the things that aren’t tangible? That is where our subconscious comes in to play. It is full of all our beliefs and memories to include unconscious (repressed) thoughts such as irrational thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, etc. that we have accumulated over our lifetime. You may find yourself on the road to a peaceful place in your life now, but every negative, hurtful, abusive, mean, fear-driven experience you have had in your entire lifetime can disrupt that peace – and it all comes from that subconscious mind of yours.
Think of it this way:
You are finally at a place in your life that you can take some classes to get that nursing degree you have always wanted. You go to your local college, you meet with an advisor, you sign up for classes, you pay your tuition, then proceed to the bookstore to get the necessary materials for your classes.
Consciously you know you can handle them and you are ready. You know your previous studies and how well you did. You have discussed everything with your advisor and you have prepared the way to move forward. But then, right there in the middle of the bookstore, you begin to have a feeling of doom and you are bombarded with questions like, “What makes you think you can handle this?” or “You know you won’t succeed at this program so why are you wasting everyone’s time?” And, of course, “You are not cut out to be a nurse.”
That is your subconscious mind piping up and giving you its two cents, as if you asked for it, right? And its feelings are all based on your lifetime of experiences – like that time when your ex told you that you worked at the local grocery store because you could never do anything better. Or that time in school when you didn’t understand the assignment and the professor made an example out of you in front of the class. Or maybe it is the years of being put down by your mother when you were growing up – you never did feel “good enough.”
Everything that you have experienced in life has been soaked up by your subconscious and has led you to react the way that you do. See, your conscious mind can kick back the info it doesn’t want. But your subconscious isn’t that nifty. It is like a sponge – and it fills itself with the good, the bad, and the ugly.
That, my friend, is why it is so important to dig deep into your mind and clear out all that negativity and repair all that damage. The best way to start this process is to become aware of how you react in each situation. Let’s visit the four conscious perceptions that can get you focused on how you react -- both internally and externally.
Perceptions: Step outside yourself to learn how you perceive a situation. Be objective, rather than subjective, and ask yourself, “How do I perceive this situation?” This can allow you to analyze your feelings to discover why you may perceive a situation one way instead of another.
Assumptions: You will make assumptions in every situation. And, believe it or not, in each of these situations, the assumptions will change depending on circumstances, who is present, etc. We have reasons as to why we assume and, since our life has been different than the next person, their assumptions will be different, too. Be aware of the assumptions you make.
Expectations: Our expectations of something or someone are usually based on desire or fear. When we think positively of someone, it likely stems from desire (and often we tend to overlook any negative traits because the desire is so great). If we think negatively, it is likely stemming from fear.
Feelings: Yes, we give our feelings a name, but our body, its language, and its vibrations can send vibes to those around us – giving up our current feeling or emotion, without us even having to say it. Know your body.
It is important to be aware in each situation and how your mind acts and reacts. If you are having good thoughts, but not getting good results, then you will want to look deeper into your subconscious mind to see what is going on.
Remember, your conscious and your subconscious do not necessarily work in sync – and your subconscious has been programmed automatically for you. When you begin to align your conscious and subconscious thoughts your life flows and you manifest what you desire.
You can shift your experiences through focused intention of your conscious mind. Choose to refrain from trying to make sense of it all and simply be open to receive positive energy deep within your subconscious mind then healing can occur. The more you increase your awareness of this, the easier it will be to obtain the results you are looking for.
If you’d like to talk further about shifting your life toward positive experiences… Click here to schedule your complimentary 30-minute Trauma Relief Strategy Session with me.